Term Dates 2023/24
JG dance School Term Dates 2023/2024 4th September – 16th December 2023 inclusive 4th January – 28th March 2024 inclusive 13th April – 23rd July 2024 inclusive
Jeannine Greville
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our school founder Jeannine Greville. She has inspired so many children over the years, we all have so many fond memories of the times we shared with her. We will continue to nurture and inspire our young performers in her memory and carry on the JG journey. Our thoughts go to her nearest and dearest. Much love to all the JG family at this sad time. Ann, Lianna & Maria xxxxx For all those that have asked about donations,
Term Dates 2019/20
JG dance School Term Dates 2019/20 3rd September – 19th December 2019 inclusive 6th January – 4th April 2020 inclusive 20th April – 22nd July 2020 inclusive
Henley 22nd June 2019
Henley parents - This week 22nd June, all Miss Toria's classes will be in the Dining Hall off of Sue's Foyer. Thank you
New term
All classes back from today! We hope you’ve had a lovely Easter break! X
Half term
Just a reminder that there are no classes at Chiltern Edge tomorrow! All other branches/classes as normal this week x
Brighton Hill Update
CLASSES cancelled at Brighton Hill today x
❄️UPDATE❄️ All classes will run as normal at Gillotts school tomorrow x
Brighton Hill update
❄️BRIGHTON HILL CLASSES❄️ the school will be making a decision in the morning re opening. Please check the JG dance Basingstoke Facebook page in the morning for an update. Thank you x